A small selection of my favorites. Thanks for stopping by!

We Are Nature: Living in the Anthropocene, Carnegie Museums

Here are a few of my favorite pieces from a virtual exhibit for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History which I recorded, sound designed and mixed. The sound effect source material includes a 2019 recording of arctic glaciers shifting and falling.

You can view the full VR experience here https://ocul.us/31C0ZNB


42 Million Moments is audio collage depicting a life journey. Nearly 80 years of life - 42 million moments - condensed into 187 seconds. It includes a sample from The Books titled IDKT.

It was commissioned as part of Bricolage’s immersive theater piece STRATA, which was featured on the July 2013 cover of American Theatre Magazine.

Throughout the STRATA experience, participants were led individually to a series of vastly different rooms - a doctor’s office, a monk’s room, a poker room, a backyard with a swing, etc. - where they interacted with actors. Though I gathered sounds for many of these locations, my main contribution to this adventure was the Life Room.

One of the last stops on the audience journey was The Life Room, a whitewashed nook containing only a chair and a speaker.  My job was to fill it with life. Specifically, I was asked to spend one week creating a three-minute soundscape representing a life-to-death journey.


Time Trouble

In Time Trouble by Adam Arena & Maddox O’Neill, two middle schoolers travel back in time to interview Olympic medalist Jesse Owens, but when their time machine goes awry, they find themselves surrounded by dinosaurs and cavemen. This sound design includes a quick trip through music history and a lot of electromagnetic sounds.


SOUND DESIGNER & DEVISER JH: Mechanics of a Legend, Hiawatha Project

JH: Mechanics of a Legend examines the Reconstruction Era through the legend of John Henry and machine metaphors. I was part of the team that spent two years researching, devising the script and creating a full stage production.

In the story's climax, John Henry races a steam drill through the mountain, and sound becomes the most important onstage presentation of the machine. The characters sing with and against the clattering mechanical beat I created from real machine sounds.

john henry.jpeg

SOUND DESIGNER The Birds, 12 Peers Theater

My antagonist stage debut won me a Sound Design of the Decade award from BroadwayWorld.
In Connor McPhearson's stage adaptation of The Birds (yes, THAT Birds - the Daphne du Maurier's short story turned Hitchcock classic), three strangers huddle in a New England cottage and pray that the attacking birds can't peck their way through the boarded up windows.


The Union Edge is a live 12-3pm weekday talk show focused on the labor movement and politics of the working class. The attached are two of our weekly feature segments, "Healthcare Politics with Steve Larchuk" and "The New American Economy."

My role as executive producer is broad. I'm in charge of everything technical, and I engineer many of the broadcasts myself - including these. Creatively, I focus on making sure we have the most engaging, highest quality content possible.

Please note that this is a live show, so these are largely unedited, just formatted for podcast.